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Umrah Roaming Bundle
Enjoy Umrah weekly bundle from WE inside Saudi Arabia. Dial *2025# and get 30,000 MBs mobile internet,150 Mins incoming calls and 10 minutes calls to Egypt for 650 EGP only.
Terms and Conditions:
- To Subscribe dial *2025#, or through the digital channels or by dialing customer service number 111.
- The offer is valid from 21th of Feb till 30th of March, 2025, Egypt time. For Mobile Customers inside KSA only.
- The offer can be used more than once only during the offer period.
- Subscribe to the bundles before or after arriving.
- After 100% consumption of the mobile internet bundle, you will be charged 10 EGP for every 1 MB.
- The offer allows receiving calls from Egypt and making calls to Egypt on all networks.
- Regular roaming rates within KSA will be applied after the offer period ends or the bundle is consumed or expired.