Treasure Island Competition

Hurry up and increase your chance to win 100,000 EGP cash prize with WE or monthly cash prizes of 5000, play daily games and collect points …highest scores will increase your chance to win 100,000 EGP cash. In addition, 20 units for prepaid customers.

How to subscribe to this service:

  • Send 5 to 2335 and you will get a confirmation SMS with the competition web app link.
  • To cancel the service, send “cancel treasure” to 2335.


  • This competition is available for postpaid and prepaid customers.
  • Subscribe & pay your service fees you will receive 20 units within two days from subscription valid for 24 hours.
  • The highest score active subscribers will be included in the ruffle to choose the winner…. play more and increase your chance to win.
  • Customers with the largest number of points in the competition will enter a raffle to win 60,000 EGP as a grand prize to be delivered by end of October 2023.

Competition Fees:

5 EGP/Day with automatic renewal, to cancel send "cancel treasure” to 2335.

Competition Link: